Montevallo Raises Money for Wreaths Across America

Montevallo Raises Money for Wreaths Across America

Katie Ozley and Ashley Zapata

We’ve heard the term “Wreaths Across America” a lot but what exactly does it mean? Mr. Martin, one of the math teachers here at Montevallo High School, said that Wreaths Across America is “a national initiative to raise funds to mark gravesites at the various national cemeteries across the country”. This year’s Wreaths Across America event will take place on December 18th at the Alabama National Cemetary here in Montevallo. 

When the Wreaths Across America event was first established back in 2009, there was only a total of 354 gravesites. Mr. Martin informed us that as of last year “there are 7,352 gravesites out there.” This initiative raises money to place a wreath on every single gravestone at the cemetery, much like how on a memorial day every stone had a flag on it. Volunteers from all over and a multitude of organizations show up on December 18th to place the marks on the gravestones. Each wreath is sponsored by an individual or an organization. Click here to see the Wreaths Across America site.

But how does this in any way affect our community? It is a very significant event, especially for our community. It lets us, as Mr. Martin puts it, “show their appreciation for those who have given everything for their country.” And indeed it does, so far there are 8,000 wreaths that have been sponsored by our community. The organization, Sons of the American Revolution, of which Mr. Martin is a member, has a goal of promoting patriotism and the love of their country.

If you’re wondering how you can get involved, it’s actually pretty simple. The cost for the wreath itself is only $15 but you can donate any amount you wish. If you want to become a “larger sponsor”, the first tier is $500 which is something that MHS is currently trying to raise. Multiple school organizations (SGA, Z Club, and FCCLA) are being encouraged to also help out. You can also make your donation directly to the school or Blue Star organization. Let’s show our patriotism and remember our fallen heroes by supporting the Alabama National Cemetary and Wreaths Across America.