Teachers defeat seniors in Dodgeball
The teacher Dream Team comes out strong against the seniors in the Dodgeball game.
November 7, 2017
Teachers at Montevallo High shut-out the winners of the Homecoming Dodgeball game Wednesday, October 4 in Susie DeMent Gymnasium.
“It was nothing that wasn’t expected,” teacher Taylor Burr said. “We just came out and whooped up on them.”
In the first game, the freshmen took on the sophomores, where the sophomores came out with the victory. During the second game, the seniors quickly overtook the juniors to earn their spot in the championship game. The seniors dominated the class championship game against the sophomores taking the victory with the majority of their team remaining on the floor.
“I mean we’re seniors, so regardless, we’re going to win,” senior Georgia Hughes said.
Those words to did not work out in the final game against the teachers.
The teachers, also known as the Dream Team, quickly took control of the balls in the final game and one by one knocked out each senior in a matter a seconds.
“It was funny to see the teacher’s dominate,” junior Jayden Givens said. “I was not expecting that.”