The month of February is known for Random Acts of Kindness. In the school setting, there are many activities that the students body will participate in the month of February to encourage kindness through out Montevallo High School. The Peer Helpers here at Montevallo High School will come into classes and speak on kindness, along with providing an activity to spread kindness in MHS.
One of the most effective activities the Peer Helpers will share is the Fill The Bucket activity. That is where each students will write uplifting, kind, compliments on sticky notes about their peers. The sticky notes will then be stuck on to the huge bucket that will be displayed on the main hallway so that everyone can see the kind words and positive attitudes that are filling the halls of MHS.
I look forward to seeing how this activity succeeds this year. I cannot wait to read all of the kind comments that will be shared upon one another here at Montevallo High School!