Homecoming week is the week that every high school student looks forward to! There are many traditions that go along with Homecoming week that have been passed on from generation to generation. Homecoming week consists of dress-up days, a parade on Thursday, 10/19/2023, the homecoming football game on Friday, 10/20/2023, and the dance is Saturday night, 10/21/2023.
The dress-up days differ each year. Our Student Government here at Montevallo High School comes up with the dress up days they think will get everyone in the student body involved. In the parade, there are many floats with all of the sports teams in the Montevallo community, floats for each grade in the high school, floats for the alumni of Montevallo High School and many more. The homecoming game is one of the biggest games of all season. The alumni and community as a whole, come and pack out Theron Fischer Stadium! The alumni will typically grill out and celebrate before kickoff @7 p.m. Another tradition we have for homecoming is the homecoming court! You must be voted in to get onto the homecoming court. If you are a canidate for homecoming, posters are made in hopes to encourage everyone to vote for you as Homecoming Princess for your grade or Homecoming King/Queen for the school as a whole. The crowning of the princesses, king, and queen takes place either before the game or at halftime! The homecoming football game is one of the most fun things of the year! Saturday, October 21, 2023, the homecoming dance takes place. Everyone looks forward to this dance so that they may get dressed fancy and go out to eat with their friends before and do something fun following the dance. The dance is a great opportunity to get connected with more people you go to school with.
Overall, homecoming week is one of the best weeks out of the school year. Many people come together and create memories they will cherish for a lifetime! There are so many things that go towards the parade, game, and dance, but it is all worth it in the end!