Montevallo girls go Hollywood on pageant night

Sarah Lowery, Reporter

On Saturday, February 1st, Montevallo High School held the 2020 Montevallo Day of Pageants. During the afternoon, Mini Miss Montevallo (K-1st), Bailee Russell, Little Miss Montevallo (2nd-3rd), Blake Swords, and Young Miss Montevallo (4th-5th), Kensley Morgan, were crowned. Later in the evening, Junior Miss Montevallo (6th-8th), Mercadees Lily, and Miss Montevallo (9th-12th), Kali Yancey, were crowned. 

The emcees for the day were Abigail Heuton and Dr. Hollie Cost. Escorts for the day included Ulises Valencia, Kelmy Lemus, William Landers, and Justus Anderson. 

A big congratulations to our 2020 Miss Montevallo,  Kali Yancey. Kali says, “It was a really fun experience stepping out of my comfort zone, especially in the interview. Overall I learned a lot and really enjoyed just having fun with it. All of the girls were so beautiful and so deserving of the crown! Also Miss. Meadows did an amazing job!” 

Alternates of the night included Chaniya Reed and Anna Kate Deerman, and Miss Congeniality Chaniya Reed, who said “I enjoyed doing something new and getting out of my comfort zone.”