MMS 8th graders attend Future Falcon Day
MMS students attend UM class
October 31, 2019
The University of Montevallo was very busy on Friday October 25th. The 8th graders from Montevallo Middle School visited the University for the annual Future Falcon Day. This is a yearly event put on with help from university professors and the Montevallo High School future teachers. Future Falcon Day is a way for the eighth graders to get a feel of the college life. Their day consists of attending four college classes, a scavenger hunt around the campus, a ghost tour and attending to a student lead concert. Although it was a very rainy day, and most of these activities had to be moved inside, the students still had an amazing time.
“I had a very fun time Friday. It was nice to get an early college experience” 8th Grader Tyler Thompson said.
“I had a lot of fun today, It was cool to see how life will be as a college student” Carter Lawley said.
Dr. Davis has been in charge of Future Falcon Day for five years now. She really enjoys spending time with not only the middle schoolers, but the high schoolers as well. “ Future falcon day is an opportunity for Montevallo Middle School’s eighth grade students to come to campus and experience a day in the life of a college student. The students attend classes, a music concert and learn about the history of the University of Montevallo. We enjoyed meeting the students every year!”
Junior Cody Posey said he looks “forward to Future Falcon Day every year,” he loves “getting to spend time with the upcoming high schoolers.”
Their roles for the day consisted of being a group leader, leading them on a scavenger hunt, taking them on a ghost tour and planning games and activities and making sure they had fun. Future Falcon day was a huge success this year, and FTA cannot wait until next year.