Students experience Native American culture
Junior Hannah Sommers gets her face painted at the Moundville Native American Festival.
October 31, 2017
AP Environmental Science and AP U.S. History classes got to step back into time and experience the rich history of Moundville’s Archaeological Park during its Native American Festival, Friday, Oct. 6.
“It allowed students to study green living back then versus green living in our society today,” AP Environmental teacher Brent McCaleb said.
During the day, the students participated in many festivities including making arts and crafts, climbing the plethora of steps to the top of the Chiefton’s mound, visiting the cliffs overlooking the Warrior River, and speaking with historians dressed in period clothing about life during the Moundville time period.
The festival also included a Native American stage that featured various Native American dances and music.
Lyndon Alec, a member of the Alabama-Coushatta tribe, performed his hoop dance on the stage. The hoop dance is the most difficult of all Native American dances.
“I learned to hoop dance when I was 12 years old,” Lyndon said. “I started with 5 hoops and I dance with 24 now.”
Lyndon travels all over the world and the United States performing his dances
“My favorite part was the hoop man and his ability to dance with 24 hoops,” senior Jessie Evans said.
The students also got to experience the Jones Archaeological Museum. Inside there were wax figures telling the story of the nobility who once lived at Moundville.
“My favorite part was the wax figures,” sophomore Miranda Martin said. “I learned that some of the natives were continuing the culture of their ancestors. It was really cool.”