Students to receive Refresh! discount cards
October 4, 2016
The Montevallo Junior City Council, an organization founded by the youth of Montevallo, has announced a new project called “Refresh!”.
The Refresh! card gives local high school students discounts at local businesses including McDonald’s, Huddle House, Domino’s, Eclipse, and Jack’s.
“The idea behind the Refresh! card is to help Montevallo’s businesses by increasing traffic flow during their slow hours of 3:00-5:00 p.m.,” MJCC treasurer Miranda Martin said. “It will also benefit high school students as well with a discount on their purchases during that time.”
The card will be delivered to all registered high school students in mid-October.
“MJCC has not had a project involving businesses yet and we are very excited for what this means for the future of Montevallo,” MJCC secretary Riley Key said.
The Refresh! card will be the size of a business card and will be available to all MHS students for free.
“The Chamber of Commerce has listened to us, respected us, and offered a huge helping hand in the project, which we are very grateful for,” MJCC president Leah Waites said. “Business owners have been supportive, students have been getting excited about deals and discounts, and we are very proud of what we have achieved and will achieve with the Refresh! cards.”
The “Refresh!” card is a way for all MHS students and businesses to collaborate and create a beneficiary relationship that both increases business’ revenue and awareness of said businesses for students.
The MJCC was founded in 2013. Their goal is to better the foundation and interaction between government and the local youth population.