The week after homecoming is a time to reflect. Many students decide that they are relieved and happy that homecoming is finally finished. Other select students begin to plan for the following year. I have decided that over all, Homecoming 2011 had hit its lowest point. Normally, homecoming is one of my more favorite of times during the school year; but there were too many negative sides to homecoming that could not be ignored.
Homecoming was very early in the school year, which caused many classes to be unprepared and scattered. In previous years, homecoming was roughly during the middle of October. Personally, I believe that this is a much better time because it provides more time for the students to prepare and to organize.
Secondly, the “dress up days” were ridiculous. Staff day, really? In addition to that just being a preposterous theme, the faculty of Montevallo High School is too small for students to display much variety. Personally, I believe that students should be allowed the first day of every homecoming week to be “pajama day” because pajamas are something that every student owns and they would be more than happy to roll out of bed and waltz into school.
Also, our homecoming game…maybe I should leave this subject alone. But really, why we would have our homecoming game against Aliceville, a team we have never defeated, quite frankly amuses me. Why not play a team we do not have to stand on our tippy-toes to look straight in the shin with?
In the past, homecoming was a wonderful time that I thoroughly enjoyed, and hopefully in the following years it will only get better.
Homecoming week frustrates students
Sarah Fowler, Copy Editor
January 6, 2012
About the Contributor

Sarah Fowler, Copy Editor
This is Sarah Fowler’s first year being a part of the SPOTLIGHT staff and she is also the Copy Editor. Fowler participates in FTA, FCCLA, and First Priority. She appreciates fashion and is always watching for the new runway styles. Fowler spends her extra time shopping, being involved in her church youth group, and spending time with her six siblings.