Theatre Newspaper

Jamal Henderson, Reporter

On Saturday November 5th, advanced theater will be taking a trip to Thompson High School called the District Walter Trumbauer Festival. This event will consist of monologues, duets, and so much more! Some of the people attending this event are: Lorraine Baker (third year), Haley Dang (third year), Alyin Almora (third year), Oscar Rodriguez (2 years), and Daniel Lopez (3 years.) This festival is a great opportunity for our fellow students to gain valuable lessons and practice in the acting world from a studio theater act, to a one act theater play festival. This is also a chance for High school junior and senior students to win a $1,000 scholarship from an acting audition hosted Thursday evening. On Friday and Saturday the awards ceremony will be held where a myriad of awards, plaques, trophies, recognition, and bragging rights from the judges will be presented and distributed. This is a great chance to get into the acting world, have a lot of fun, possibly even come back with a scholarship, or award while doing it!