Ten years have passed since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and during that time many changes have occurred in security, government and the general public.
In response to the attacks, the federal government has created the Department of Homeland Security whose goal is to protect from, prevent, and respond to U.S. domestic emergencies. Although it focuses around terrorist attacks, it also responds to man-made accidents, like oil spills, for example, and natural disasters, as opposed to the U.S. Department of Defense, who controls military actions abroad.
Probably the most known development after 9/11 was the increase in airport security. Before, airports provided their own security but were replaced in November 2001 by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) which is also a part of the Department of Homeland Security.
The TSA has been reported on extensively and has become popular for being annoying and a lot of times unnecessary; however, the security of airports has drastically improved in the past ten years. The improvements were brought on by the TSA’s precautionary practices: strict baggage and items scan, an air marshal on board every plane and an overall suspicion of every passenger.
“The mayhem that took place on that disastrous day changes the way we view the fragility of our lives and country,” junior Josh Weeks said.
Increase in security is not the only development made after 9/11, however. 9/11 brought with it a psychological change among Americans. Suspicion of terrorism rose among Americans, making them more careful when traveling in the U.S. or to foreign countries. Also, people who were affected greater, like family members of victims of the attacks, developed post-traumatic stress disorder which is characterized by insomnia, difficulty controlling anger, losing interest in activities, flashbacks and emotional numbness. Emotions and hostility have risen since the 2001 attacks. Many people have become more patriotic, and some have become angry against other countries and religions.
The attacks of 9/11 were devastating to America as a whole, creating fear and suspicion, but the patriotism for our country has never been stronger. A feeling of mutualism has been one of the biggest impacts on America that resulted from the attacks, and with that has come the desire to fight for the country and the surge of military recruitment after 9/11.
9/11 attacks change security procedures
Landon Goodwin, News Writer
January 6, 2012