Dia de los Muertos

Kamia Hudson, reporter

Dia de los Muertos, also known as Day of the Dead, starts the first week of November. Day of the dead is a Spanish holiday that’s celebrated November 1st – 2nd. Each day Latin-Americans celebrate their loved ones. For instance, elders on the first day, and youth and young adults on the second day. Now that we know what Día de los Muertos is, let’s take a look into how our school is drawing attention to this holiday and how our Spanish club is involved. 

Our Spanish teacher Maestra. Carlos is very dedicated to teaching her students about Spanish culture. This week she couldn’t wait for her new class project, sugar skulls. Each day leading up to November 1st her class will be working hard through the stress of rolling balls and glue. The sugar skulls are all based on one’s imagination from different designs to different colors. Each skull represents a departed soul. Now let’s take a look at how the skulls play a large role in other objects.

Another way our school has taken part of this spectacular holiday is the building of the ofrenda. An ofrenda is a gravestone to honor the returns of particular spirits. In our cafeteria take a look at the pictures and candle lights along the ofrenda. The Spanish club members were asked to bring a photo of their loved one to place along the beautiful sight. This gives us a view of how some kids in our school take time with their family and friends to celebrate the lives of their loved ones.