Future Teachers of Alabama, or FTA, is an organization that provides students with the opportunity to learn about the teaching profession as a possible choice for their future endeavors.
Math teacher Dawn Cabrera has sponsored the FTA organization for four years. After beginning with only four members, the organization advertised and sponsored events to encourage students to join. Today their numbers have climbed, with a 38-member organization.
“Many people think teachers have an easy profession,” Cabrera said. “It is a special gift from God, and I would rather students find out if this is the profession for them before they waste all their money and time in college finding themselves in a job that isn’t for them.”
This year’s officers include junior Alexandria Buttgereit, president; junior Emily Colley, vice president; and senior Stellesia Conwell; treasurer and secretary.
“Alex, Emily, & Stellesia are committed young ladies,” Cabrera said. “Their plans will make the organization better for future members.”
FTA members will participate in many different activities this school year including hosting open house, giving gifts to teachers, visiting different colleges and reading stories to patients at Children’s Hospital.
“I’m really looking forward to attending the FTA convention,” Buttgereit said. “I love meeting new people and it’s just a lot of fun!”
Cabrera’s goals for the school year include increasing membership and visiting Troy University’s Education Program.
Students interested in being in FTA may still sign up. The first meeting will be held in the library, Monday, Sept. 17 at 6:30 p.m.